like, as if…

What if I told you that the only thing keeping your business from greater income and larger impact was proper branding.

Did you know …


Did You Know ...

Your brand is either a liability or an asset; there is absolutely no middle ground.


If you want your clients to know who you are, love what you offer and buy from you over and over you want to be branded.



So you're confused about branding and you're running into probs like this…


Your marketing is expensive and is not giving you results


You are generating a lot of unqualified leads


You are having customer loyalty issues


You are losing business to your competition the old ways aren't working

Here you will learn the point, purpose and power behind proper branding. 

Learn the basics and the benefit behind proper branding here in the live class replay. 

Jennifer C.

"This Class Was So Fun!"

Out of every single business class, I've taken this was the most informative, relative, and fun!

Renne G.

“AMAZING! I'm Excited!”

I never felt prepared to do business. I knew my product was good but I didn't know the importance of branding, until now!

Kimberly U.

“My Biz Is Good Again!"

Everything makes so much sense!  I took the class and the same night I signed up for her brand build out. I can't wait!

Ready to make branding work for your business?


Normally $99 
Exclusive discount ends soon


course instructer

Jessica Winston

Hi it's J. Winston, the brand builder. In this course, Clueless About Branding, I am taking you inside my $7200 brand building packaged so we can breakdown the importance of proper branding!


If you're looking to start your business successfully, operate it effectively or grow it like crazy this is the course for you!

With these examples and tips on proper branding you will…

Skip Costly Mistakes

Avoid setbacks and maximize the full potential of your business sooner

Bridge the Gap

Access a clear-cut plan that stands between you and finally being proud of your business

Confidently Create

Kick the constant second-guessing and simply follow my lead with the exact strategy and unbroken steps for proper branding

Minimize your margin of error with a trustworthy blueprint and instructional videos from yours truly